Helga's World

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Feminity and images

I find the new video with Pink brilliant, I think it is called Stupid Girl. There she points at the images that are governing modern society. Everything, especially amongst young people today, seems to involve sex, being "hot" and "sexy", life high, party and be "with hot body" like the people in the videos. That appears for example in that young girls starve themselves and go too far in the hope of getting boys' attention. I just say: I have had it with this! I have totally given up on diets and when I look in the mirror I am just pretty happy with what I see, even though I might be couple of kilos too heavy. To me it is for everything to be healty, and that to be a "hot body" does not necessarily mean to be healthy. I love food and I enjoy cooking and going to restaurants, I just take good care that I exercise in connection with that so I can allow myself to eat good food every day.
I totally agree with Nigella Lawson who says she rather wants to enjoy the freedom of eating rather than trying to fit into smaller clothes sizes. And she is a gorgeous woman, curvatious and feminine. And did you know that Marilyn Monroe, the goddess herself, was 168 cm tall and 72 kilos?


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